House of Stupas: Top 7 Chaitya Halls in and around Mumbai

Flipping through the pages of travel guides, Mumbai is well-known for its Beaches, historical landmarks such as Gateway of India and Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Bollywood and street food. However, the city is surrounded by some of wonderful caves well known to the travelers with a love for architecture like us. In this blog, we explore the top 7 Chaitya Halls (Prayer Halls), in and around Mumbai, which we call the “House of Stupas.” We discover the seamless blend of spirituality and architectural brilliance in these sacred spaces, where traditional design meets contemporary aesthetics.

These Chaitya Halls and Stupas are from Bhaja Caves, Karla Caves, Ajanta Caves and Kanheri Caves. Each of these halls has its own unique story and style, featuring intricate carvings, graceful arches, and empowering domes. We not only appreciate their architectural magnificence but also delve into their historical and cultural significance. Whether you’re an architecture enthusiast or a curious traveler, this blog promises to enhance your appreciation for rich ancient heritage and Indian architecture.

Join us on this architectural adventure as we unlock the secrets within the sacred walls of the “House of Stupas: Top 7 Chaitya Halls in and around Mumbai,” from Bhaja Caves, Karla Caves, Ajanta Caves, and Kanheri Caves.

I. Cave 12 at Bhaja Caves

Located approximately 60 kilometers from Mumbai, the Bhaja Caves stand as a testament to ancient craftsmanship. These rock-cut caves date back to the 2nd century BCE. Nestled amidst the Sahyadri Mountains, they offer a serene and picturesque setting.

Out of 22 caves in the Bhaja Caves complex, Cave 12 is the highlight. As you step into this cave, you’ll see a breathtaking chaitya hall. The hall features tall pillars with intricate carvings, depicting stories from the life of Buddha and various Buddhist legends. The chaitya hall also houses a magnificent stupa, which serves as the focal point of the sacred space. The stupa, adorned with decorative motifs and symbols, radiates a spiritual aura that instantly captivates visitors.

Beyond the hall’s captivating interior, we are greeted by another fascinating feature—an arrangement of 14 stupas placed outside. These stupas, varying in size and intricacy, enhance the spiritual ambiance of the site. They hold their own significance within the Buddhist tradition. They stand as a testament to the devotion and reverence of ancient practitioners who sought solace and enlightenment within this sacred space.

Exploring the Bhaja Caves is a journey back in time. It provides a deep sense of connection with the rich Buddhist heritage. As you navigate through the other caves, you’ll encounter viharas (monastic dwellings) and additional chaitya halls, each showcasing unique architectural elements and artistic expressions. The tranquil surroundings and the historical significance make Bhaja Caves a must-visit destination for history buffs and architecture enthusiasts.

Click here for full article on Bhaja Caves.

II. Cave 8 at Karla Caves

Situated approximately 100 kilometers from Mumbai, the Karla Caves are a marvel of Buddhist architecture. These caves date back to the 2nd century BCE. Located amidst the lush green hills, they provide a breathtaking natural backdrop.

The Great Chaitya of Karla is the crown jewel of these caves. It is one of the largest and most impressive chaitya halls in India. As you approach the entrance, you’ll witness the massive horseshoe-shaped arch carved with intricate motifs and designs. The grandeur of the hall is further enhanced by the towering pillars with beautiful sculptures and reliefs. The Great Chaitya serves as a spiritual sanctuary, offering a serene and meditative atmosphere.

Venturing inside the Great Chaitya, you’ll see the artistic brilliance in every corner. The walls have intricate carvings depicting scenes from Buddhist mythology and the life of Buddha. The stupa at the center of the hall, with its ornate decorations, stands as a symbol of enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

Apart from the Great Chaitya, Karla Caves also house a series of viharas and smaller chaitya halls, each with its unique charm. Exploring the intricate carvings and experiencing the sacred ambiance of the Karla Caves is a truly enriching experience.

Click here for a full article on Karla Caves.

III. Cave 9, 10, 19 & 26 at Ajanta Caves

Although located approximately 400 kilometers from Mumbai, the Ajanta Caves are a must-visit destination for anyone seeking to explore the ancient Buddhist art and architecture. These UNESCO World Heritage Site date back to the 2nd century BCE. They are renowned for their exquisite murals and paintings.

As you step into the Ajanta Caves, you’ll appreciate a world of artistic brilliance. The caves feature stunning murals and frescoes that depict the life of Buddha, Jataka tales, and various other Buddhist legends. Amidst these beautiful paintings, you’ll also find chaitya halls and stupas, providing a glimpse into the architectural aspects of Buddhism.

There are four chaitya halls in Ajanta caves 9, 10, 19 and 26. They have arched entrances, intricately carved pillars, and beautiful decorative motifs. These halls served as sacred spaces for Buddhist rituals and meditation. The stupas, with their unique designs and symbolism, symbolize the ultimate goal of enlightenment.

Exploring the Ajanta Caves is a journey of discovery, as you admire the delicate brushstrokes, vibrant colors, and the storytelling ability of the ancient artists. The combination of art and spirituality creates an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression.

Click here for a full article on Ajanta Caves.

IV. Cave 3 at Kanheri Caves

Located within the Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Mumbai, the Kanheri Caves offer a serene retreat with a touch of ancient mysticism. These rock-cut caves date back to the 1st century BCE and served as an important Buddhist center for meditation and learning.

The Kanheri Caves complex comprises more than 100 caves, each with its unique features. As you enter the caves, you’ll be see an array of chaitya halls, viharas, and stupas. The highlight of the Kanheri Caves is Cave 3, which houses a magnificent chaitya hall.

Cave 3 boasts massive pillars adorned with intricate carvings, creating an aura of grandeur. This chaitya hall is characterized by its tall arched entrance, resembling the facade of a temple. The walls of the hall showcase exquisite sculptures and reliefs, depicting various Buddhist deities and scenes from Buddhist mythology. At the heart of the hall lies a beautifully crafted stupa, radiating a sense of tranquility and spiritual energy.

Additionally, Cave 2 houses a collection of 3 majestic stupas and Cave 4 contains 1 stupa – they predate Cave 3. These solid rock structures feature hemispherical domes atop square bases, adorned with detailed carvings depicting scenes from Buddhist mythology. Their imposing size and meticulous craftsmanship leave a lasting impression, offering visitors a glimpse into the artistic and cultural influences of the time.

Aside from these Caves, the Kanheri Caves offer a tranquil natural environment, surrounded by dense forests and scenic vistas. The peaceful atmosphere provides a perfect setting for reflection and introspection.

Click here for a full article on Kanheri Caves.


As we reach the end of our architectural quest through the Chaitya Halls of Mumbai, we can’t help but feel a sense of wonder and inspiration. These magnificent structures have taken us on a captivating journey, unveiling the beauty of ancient rock-cut architecture and the peaceful essence that permeates every nook and cranny.

From the Bhaja Caves’ mesmerizing “chaitya arch” to the grandeur of the Karla Caves, we’ve witnessed the skill and artistry of the architects who shaped these sacred spaces. The Ajanta Caves’ Chaitya Halls have transported us through time with their intricate murals and captivating stories, while the Kanheri Caves’ Chaitya Hall provided us with a peaceful retreat in the heart of nature.

Through this journey, we’ve not only admired the architectural brilliance but also gained a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural significance of these Chaitya Halls. They stand as testaments to the enduring legacy of Buddhism and the rich heritage of Mumbai and its surroundings.

We hope this journey has ignited your imagination, awakened your curiosity, and left you with a renewed appreciation for the wonders of architecture. The House of Stupas has shared its secrets, inviting us to explore the intersection of art, culture and architecture.

As you reflect on our exploration, remember that the Chaitya Halls are not mere structures but gateways to a world of ancient wisdom and serenity. Whether you’re an architecture enthusiast or a curious traveler, the allure of these Chaitya Halls is bound to leave an indelible mark on your heart.


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Thank you for joining us on this remarkable journey through the Chaitya Halls of Mumbai. We hope you found inspiration in the architectural wonders we explored and gained a deeper appreciation for the rich cultural heritage embedded within these magnificent structures.

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