Kailash Temple: A Spectacular Fusion of Art, Science, and Spirituality

A remarkable example of rock-cut construction and artistic prowess, Kailash Temple is located in the picturesque Ellora Caves complex in the Aurangabad region of Maharashtra. With its elaborate carvings, gorgeous sculptures, and towering pillars, this magnificent temple honouring Lord Shiva was carved out of a single basalt rock in the eighth century CE.

The Kailash Temple was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1983. This recognizes its outstanding cultural and architectural significance as well as its importance as a pilgrimage site. The designation brings greater visibility and protection to the temple and ensures its preservation for future generations.

In this blog post, we’ll take you on a virtual tour of Kailash Temple. You will learn about fascinating facts, historical insights, and pro tips to help you make the most of your visit.

“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.”

This quote reminds us that travel can be a chance to explore our spiritual side and connect with something greater than ourselves.

Important Facts to Know

  • Opening Times : 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • Best time/months to visit: October to March
  • Best way to get there: By road, hire a taxi or a private car from Aurangabad (1 hour travel time)
  • Time taken to visit: Around 2-3 hours
  • No. of steps: Around 100 steps

History and Significance

The Kailash Temple is a masterpiece of rock-cut construction and sculptural skill. It is one of the 32 cave temples and monasteries that make up the magnificent Ellora Caves. Located in the sixteenth chamber, it is approx. 60m X 30m X 30m. Over 2,000,000 tonnes of rock were removed to shape the rock temple into a ‘U’ shape. The temple’s construction would have required more than a century to complete, according to the archaeologists’ calculations.

1. History –

The Rashtrakuta dynasty built the Kailash temple in Ellora as a sanctuary for Lord Shiva. The solitary, multi-story temple structure resembles Mount Kailash, the fabled residence of Lord Shiva. According to historical accounts, it was constructed by the Rashtrakuta King Krishna I between the years 756 and 773 AD. However, the nearby temples that are not in the Rashtrakuta style show the involvement of Pallava and Chalukya artisans.

The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb made a concerted effort to desecrate the Kailash Temple, but his plans fell through. He was only able to do a few minor damages here and there, but not to the major building. The damaged sculptures at Kailash Temple add to its mystique and charm. The temple has stood for over a thousand years, weathering the elements and the test of time. 

Despite their damage, the temple continue to inspire awe and wonder. It offers a glimpse into the skill and artistry of the ancient craftsmen who created them. As you walk through the temple, you can’t help but marvel at the history etched into the stone, and feel a sense of connection to those who came before us.

2. Significance –

The 2.4-hectare temple complex is made up of a number of buildings. This includes

  • a main shrine,
  • a surrounding courtyard, and
  • a number of lesser shrines and rooms.

The temple is well-known for its spectacular sculptures of gods, saints, and heavenly creatures. Its complex carvings reflect stories from Hindu scriptures. In addition, the significance of Kailash Temple lies in its status as a revered pilgrimage site and its profound cultural and spiritual importance.

What To See in Kailash Temple

1. The Main Shrine –

The centerpiece of Kailash Temple is the main shrine, which is carved out of a single rock and stands at a height of 30 meters. The shrine features a tall tower with intricate carvings of deities, animals, and geometric patterns, as well as a stunning Nandi bull sculpture at the entrance.

2. The Arcade –

The arcade of the Kailash Temple is a stunning architectural feature composed of 16 intricately carved pillars and a series of decorated arches. It features scenes from Hindu mythology and creates a sense of grandeur and majesty in the temple’s design. The arcade showcases the incredible skill and artistry of the temple’s craftsmen and is a must-see feature for visitors.

3. The Sculptures –

One of the highlights of Kailash Temple is its stunning sculptures, which are among the finest examples of ancient Indian art. These sculptures depict a wide range of subjects, from mythological stories to daily life scenes, and are executed with incredible skill and detail.

4. The Courtyard –

Surrounding the main shrine is a spacious courtyard, which is adorned with numerous pillars, sculptures, and carvings. The courtyard is also home to several smaller shrines, each dedicated to different deities and saints.

5. The Ramayan Panel –

The Ramayan panel at Kailash Temple is a breathtaking carving that spans over 50 feet, depicting scenes from the ancient Hindu epic. It features intricate carvings of figures and scenes such as the kidnapping of Sita, Lord Hanuman’s journey to Lanka, and the final battle between Ram and Ravan. The panel is a beautiful tribute to one of Hinduism’s most beloved stories and showcases the skill and dedication of the temple’s craftsmen.

Important Tip

Experiencing the sunset from the top of Kailash Temple is an exceptional and memorable experience that allows you to fully appreciate the temple’s breathtaking architecture and the beauty of the surrounding landscape. Ensure that you plan your visit to take advantage of this opportunity and don’t forget to bring your camera to capture the awe-inspiring views.

Kailash Temple Location

  • Kailash Temple is located in the Ellora Caves complex, about 30 km from Aurangabad in Maharashtra, India.
  • 20.0238° N, 75.1791° E
  • Approximately 644 meters (2113 feet) above sea level



The Kailash Temple in Ellora is a magnificent architectural masterpiece that combines ancient techniques with intricate carvings and stunning designs. As one of the most significant Hindu pilgrimage sites, the temple attracts visitors from all over the world who come to marvel at its grandeur and spirituality. From its iconic Ganesha sculpture to its impressive arcade and stunning Ramayana panel, the temple is a true treasure trove of art and architecture.

The temple’s rich history and cultural significance, combined with its exceptional beauty, have earned it a place on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Whether you’re a lover of architecture, religion, or history, the Kailash Temple is a must-visit destination that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of this incredible temple and add it to your travel bucket list today!

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